
eating concerns hotline & outreach

hotline: 617-495-8200, 8p-8a nightly
office: eliot basement t-24, 8p-11p sun-thurs

office + hotline open!

echo is a peer counseling group that provides a confidential, non-judgemental, non-directive space for undergraduate students to receive support about any concern.echo specializes in addressing concerns about exercising, body image, food, eating, and eating disorders


whether you are seeking resources to find more support for any mental health concern or looking to find ways to support friends and loved ones, we have compiled notes that we hope can get you started on your search for support and guidance. feel free to always drop in or call us during our open hours if you would like to talk through these resources <3we are thankful that you are here, and we hope you know that you and those you care about all deserve support.

body talk workshops

to spread awareness about and create safe spaces for discussion of eating, body, and exercise concerns, we hold body talk workshops with various groups on campus including varsity athletic teams, cultural and dance organizations, and pre-orientation programs.

about our workshops

for those interested in our workshop model and potential future collaborations, we have information about our body talk workshops and how to get in contact to request a discussion for your group. we would love to be of support to you!

post-workshop tidbits

for those who have already made time and space to navigate such concerns with us, thank you so much! we also have post-discussion handouts and feedback forms so we can all continue to grow and develop healthier relationships with our bodies.

other outreach events

we also collaborate with the other peer counseling groups on campus to hold discussions on how to support friends and loved ones through any and all mental and emotional concerns and navigating the difficult landscape of support resources on- and off-campus.

join echo <3

we are beyond honored and excited that you may be interested in joining echo! we typically have two recruitment cycles per academic year, one at the end of the fall semester around november - december and one at the end of the spring semester around april - may.our recruitment cycle is currently closed. if you are interested in joining in the upcoming fall 2024 semester, please let us know by filling out this form. we will reach out to you when the next recruitment cycle opens.the application consists of an online written application via google form and a virtual interview via zoom with two current echo staffers. you will be provided with our mission, some example roleplay scenarios and helpful phrases and tips that we strongly encourage you review and consider prior to your interview.any questions or concerns can be addressed to us via email, and we will respond as soon as we can.

about echo

Founded in the 1980s, ECHO provides the Harvard community with peer counselors who are trained to listen empathetically and to support students through a hotline and drop-in office that are confidential and non-judgmental. Additionally, ECHO validates diverse experiences of body image and eating concerns by facilitating campus conversation through outreach events.


Q. Where is the office?
A. Our office is located in Eliot Basement T-24. You can enter through the main Eliot entrance through either Entryway L to the left of the Eliot Dining Hall in the courtyard, where you'll go down the stairs and it should be on the right in the following hallway, or through Entryway J directly on the left when you enter Eliot, where you'll travel past the Inferno Grill and mailroom to find the office past the ping pong room! The routes are shown in this map or on our "directions" IG highlight.
Q. What if I can't find the office or it's too late to make the trek to Eliot?
A. Call us via our hotline!! Our hotline number is 617-495-8200, and it is staffed every night from 8pm to 8am. If your call doesn't get picked up, please don't be afraid to call back in a few minutes or later in the evening. We may have stepped out for a second or been talking with someone else!
Q. Do I have to have a concern about eating, body image, or exercise to drop by?
A. Absolutely not! Though we receive specialized training in concerns related to eating, body image, or exercise, we are trained to respond to any and all concerns, and we're more than happy to just be there and chat with you about whatever is on your mind.
Q. What happens in peer counseling? Is it really confidential? What do you mean by non-directive?
A. In peer counseling, we talk about whatever it is you come in wanting to speak about for as long as you would like! We're also happy to sit in silence or just be there for you. In the office, we have two staffers present during our open hours, 8pm to 11pm. We are a confidential resource, so we will not ask for your name or any identifying information. You decide how much you would like to share.
When we say that our counseling is non-directive, we mean that we are not licensed to provide direct advice, but we are here to talk you through what is on your mind and connect you to resources you may be seeking. We often help students make appointments with on-campus and off-campus resources in our office or over the phone if so requested!

self-care + takeaway questions


1. practice mindfulness and awareness of negative body talk.

2. allow yourself to reframe your negative talk with something positive about your body.

3. allow yourself compliments, internal or external.

4. check in with yourself. This can be in the form of belly breathing or practicing 5-3-1: meditate for 5-minutes, write down 3 positive things that happened today, and do one act of kindness (for yourself or those around you).

takeaway questions

what is negative body talk?

what are the sources of negative body talk?

what are some strategies?

what is body positivity?

what would body neutrality look like for you?

how would you want your relationship with your body to be?